Summer Registration Columbus & Newark Clubs Opens April 1st!

We help kids prepare for their futures

Our nationally-accredited programs help kids ages 5 – 18 build the skills they need to be successful in life.

These programs ensure all members achieve our four priority outcomes: Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, Character & Leadership, and Mental Health & Well-Being.

Our Priority Outcome Areas

  • Academic Success
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Character & Leadership
  • Mental Health & Well-Being

Academic Success Programs

Ensures our members graduate on time, prepared for post-secondary education and 21st century careers.

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Ohio, we are dedicated to every member excelling in school and becoming a lifelong learner. Our programs ensure members are prepared to graduate from high school on time and ready for post-secondary education and/or a 21st century career.

  • Power Hour

    Power Hour helps Club members achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring, and high-yield learning activities and encouraging Club members at every age to become self-directed learners. Lead by Youth Development Professionals (YDP’s) at each Club, the program helps kids focus daily on their academic success.

  • Summer Brain Gain

    Summer Brain Gain is a summer learning loss prevention program designed to keep kids on track academically. The program is comprised of nine one-week modules with fun, themed activities for elementary school, middle school and high school students. Aligned with Common Core standards, each module takes a project-based approach: youth engage in a process of learning through discovery, creative expression, group work, and a final project or production. As a result, kids develop high-order thinking skills necessary for success in math, reading, science, and other disciplines.

  • STEM

    Dedicated and innovative STEM activities focus on closing the opportunity gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Using a cross-disciplinary approach that channels young people’s natural curiosity in the design process inherent in the arts, the STEM programs empower youth to create new solutions to real-world challenges. Youth engage in unique experiences that develop critical thinking, problem-solving and other 21st century skills that help advance STEM knowledge and increase interest in STEM-related careers.

  • Career & Workforce Readiness (Teens Only)

    Provides opportunities for teen members to explore their interests, develop employability skills, and prepare for career success. Programs include:

    • CareerLaunch – A job-readiness and career preparation program
    • MoneyMatters – A program that promotes financial responsibility
    • Diplomas2Degrees – A college readiness program that helps guide members as they prepare for post-secondary education and the workforce.


    The Club for Teens

Healthy Lifestyles Programs

Prepares our members to make good decisions for their mind, body and soul.

We embody a holistic culture of wellness that balances physical health with emotional well-being. Our programs support mindset and behavior with long-term sustainable approaches toward prevention and education, creating a healthier generation.

  • Triple Play

    Members engage in fun physical activities that help them meet the recommended 60 minutes of physical fitness each day. Activities may include Club games like dodgeball, basketball, hopscotch, and jump rope, special youth sports camps, or free play in the gym or playground.

  • SMART Moves

    The SMART (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) Moves program is a nationally-acclaimed prevention program. Participants are exposed to various activities designed to hone their decision-making and critical-thinking skills, as well as learn how to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and premature sexual activity.

  • Passport to Manhood/SMART Girls

    Passport to Manhood focuses on boys receiving their own “passport” to underscore the notion that he is on a personal journey of maturation and growth. The program engages boys in discussions and activities that reinforce positive behavior. SMART Girls programming is designed to meet the development needs of girls through small-group prevention/education and self-esteem building. Girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for taking care of their bodies, understanding good health patterns, and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.

Character & Leadership Programs

Provides our members with the skills to be caring and responsible community members.

We empower members to contribute to their community and the Club, while encouraging them to celebrate their own and others’ cultural identities. We support members in real-world activities that develop leadership skills, instill the importance of building meaningful relationships, and help them to become role models among their peers.

  • Torch Club/Mini-Flares

    Torch Club (ages 11-13) and Mini Flares (ages 6-10) are service and leadership programs designed for Boys & Girls Club’s younger members. Youth in these programs identify Club and community service needs and develop and implement service projects to meet those needs. The Torch Club serves as a natural feeder for members to join Keystone Club in their teenage years.

  • Keystone

    Keystone is Boys & Girls Club’s premier teen leadership program for youth ages 14 – 18. This unique program provides leadership development opportunities for teens in three focus areas: academic success, career preparation and community service. With the guidance of Club staff, Keystone members learn and practice the qualities of being a good leader while making a positive impact on their Club and their community.

  • Youth of the Year

    Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Club’s premier youth recognition program for Club members ages 14 – 18. The program promotes and celebrates academic performance, leadership, and community service. Local Clubs recognize one outstanding member who competes for Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Ohio’s Youth of the Year and the opportunity to win a computer and up to $10,000 in scholarships. The winner of this competition has an opportunity to participate in additional competitions at the state, regional, and national levels with opportunities to win additional scholarships.

Mental Health & Well-Being Programs

Equips our members with the skills to make healthy choices, develop positive relationships, and manage stress and adversity.

Equips members with the skills to make healthy choices, develop positive relationships and manage stress and adversity.

  • Mental Matters

    Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Ohio has partnered with Nationwide Children’s Hospital to create the nation’s first out-of-school-time youth suicide prevention program. Club youth learn to develop skills in (not limited to): regulating emotions, practicing mindfulness, and building healthy relationships and communication. These valuable skillsets help youth recognize warning signs and risks of suicide, while gaining practical tools to regulate their own emotions and conflict. 

The Club for Teens

Our Clubs offer dedicated spaces for teens to engage in college and career readiness, sports leagues, and leadership opportunities.